Faculty Resources
Textbook Adoption Policy
The textbook adoption policy was created by the Student Affairs Council and approved by the College. Click here for the policy link.
The bookstore has an auto adoption procedure in place. This procedure will automatically renew any previous term adoption for the same course and instructor for the upcoming semester. New faculty or faculty needing adoption changes should reach out to [email protected]with your course and text information.
The adoption process for adopting a textbook outside of the rental program is the same as adopting a textbook in the rental program. Please be aware that students will be required to purchase any course materials not in compliance with the Textbook Adoption Policy or Academic Program guidelines.
You can check your textbook adoption in one of two ways; in your faculty center under your class detail then textbook/other materials tab or via the www.madisoncollegebookstore.com by five digit course number.
April 15th for Summer and Fall adoptions. November 1st for Spring adoptions. We only need to be informed of new adoptions or adoption changes. All other adoptions are handled via the auto adoption process, which automatically assigns the same textbooks to the same courses for the following semester.
Here is the link to the latest adoption email. Faculty Adoption Email
Faculty Textbook Copies
Your first option is to try to secure a complimentary copy from the publisher. Your second option is to reach out to the department chairs or fellow co-workers to see if they have a copy. Your final option is to request a copy from the administrative staff in your division office. They will work to procure you a copy.
Here is the current publisher list that the bookstore has. Publisher List
The Textbook Rental Program does not acquire desk copies for instructors. Faculty members must obtain and submit a copy to the Library. Please visit the following Library page for additional information.
Program Opt Out Questions
The college offers an opt out at a program level. The program must complete the opt out form which will be sent to the Textbook Affordability Committee for final approval. A program cannot opt out if students are required to take courses outside of the program, unless it can be documented that the program would be financially detrimental to students. The department chair or program director must complete the form and obtain the program dean's signature. Opt outs are due by January 1 for the upcoming academic year.
Courseware and Course Materials Questions
No, there will be some course materials, such as workbooks, lab manuals, novels, kits and access codes that will need to be purchased.
When looking at the course material there is always a usage term attached to every course material adopted. The usage terms are as follows:
• Rental Required – These materials are part of the rental program at no additional cost to the student.
• Rental Purchase – These materials are required materials that are subsidized by the rental program and do not need to be returned at the end of the semester.
• Required – These materials are not part of the rental program, but are required for the class. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
• Optional – These materials are not part of the rental program. They are optional for the course. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
• Rental Required – These materials are part of the rental program at no additional cost to the student.
• Rental Purchase – These materials are required materials that are subsidized by the rental program and do not need to be returned at the end of the semester.
• Required – These materials are not part of the rental program, but are required for the class. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
• Optional – These materials are not part of the rental program. They are optional for the course. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
Whether access codes are included in the fee will be handled on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, the college may negotiate a low enough price that the access codes will either be included in the rental fee or sold separately for a lower cost than the retail price. However, access codes are often considered one-time use materials, which will require purchase instead of rental. The Madison College Bookstore will do its best to negotiate the lowest possible price, whether the code is a rental or purchase item. Faculty have the option of including access codes in their required course materials.
No, the per credit fee will not be waived for a class that does not require a textbook. The structure of the system requires that even if a student has a class without a textbook, they still pay the rental fee. Most classes have required textbooks that will be in the rental program and the fees support the purchase of all the rental materials students may use throughout the time they are in their program at Madison College.
VitalSource is a third party vendor used to provide access to publisher online courseware (i.e. My Lab). Students need to redeem purchased VitalSource access via the Bookstore's website. Students will need to login using their Madison College credentials and then navigate to their bookshelf. Student instructions are provided on the Bookstore website.
OER (Open Educational Resources)
Open Educational Resources (OER) are "teaching, learning and research materials in any medium- digital or otherwise- that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions." From The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Need online learning resources for a course?
Contact [email protected] with questions. More information can also be found in the textbook adoption policy. Click here for the policy. You can also reach out to Rachel Becker [email protected] with questions
Faculty Resources
Textbook Adoption Policy
The textbook adoption policy was created by the Student Affairs Council and approved by the College. Click here for the policy link.
The bookstore has an auto adoption procedure in place. This procedure will automatically renew any previous term adoption for the same course and instructor for the upcoming semester. New faculty or faculty needing adoption changes should reach out to [email protected]with your course and text information.
The adoption process for adopting a textbook outside of the rental program is the same as adopting a textbook in the rental program. Please be aware that students will be required to purchase any course materials not in compliance with the Textbook Adoption Policy or Academic Program guidelines.
You can check your textbook adoption in one of two ways; in your faculty center under your class detail then textbook/other materials tab or via the www.madisoncollegebookstore.com by five digit course number.
April 15th for Summer and Fall adoptions. November 1st for Spring adoptions. We only need to be informed of new adoptions or adoption changes. All other adoptions are handled via the auto adoption process, which automatically assigns the same textbooks to the same courses for the following semester.
Here is the link to the latest adoption email. Faculty Adoption Email
Faculty Textbook Copies
Your first option is to try to secure a complimentary copy from the publisher. Your second option is to reach out to the department chairs or fellow co-workers to see if they have a copy. Your final option is to request a copy from the administrative staff in your division office. They will work to procure you a copy.
Here is the current publisher list that the bookstore has. Publisher List
The Textbook Rental Program does not acquire desk copies for instructors. Faculty members must obtain and submit a copy to the Library. Please visit the following Library page for additional information.
Program Opt Out Questions
The college offers an opt out at a program level. The program must complete the opt out form which will be sent to the Textbook Affordability Committee for final approval. A program cannot opt out if students are required to take courses outside of the program, unless it can be documented that the program would be financially detrimental to students. The department chair or program director must complete the form and obtain the program dean's signature. Opt outs are due by January 1 for the upcoming academic year.
Courseware and Course Materials Questions
No, there will be some course materials, such as workbooks, lab manuals, novels, kits and access codes that will need to be purchased.
When looking at the course material there is always a usage term attached to every course material adopted. The usage terms are as follows:
• Rental Required – These materials are part of the rental program at no additional cost to the student.
• Rental Purchase – These materials are required materials that are subsidized by the rental program and do not need to be returned at the end of the semester.
• Required – These materials are not part of the rental program, but are required for the class. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
• Optional – These materials are not part of the rental program. They are optional for the course. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
• Rental Required – These materials are part of the rental program at no additional cost to the student.
• Rental Purchase – These materials are required materials that are subsidized by the rental program and do not need to be returned at the end of the semester.
• Required – These materials are not part of the rental program, but are required for the class. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
• Optional – These materials are not part of the rental program. They are optional for the course. The price listed is the price the student would pay to purchase the material from the bookstore.
Whether access codes are included in the fee will be handled on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, the college may negotiate a low enough price that the access codes will either be included in the rental fee or sold separately for a lower cost than the retail price. However, access codes are often considered one-time use materials, which will require purchase instead of rental. The Madison College Bookstore will do its best to negotiate the lowest possible price, whether the code is a rental or purchase item. Faculty have the option of including access codes in their required course materials.
No, the per credit fee will not be waived for a class that does not require a textbook. The structure of the system requires that even if a student has a class without a textbook, they still pay the rental fee. Most classes have required textbooks that will be in the rental program and the fees support the purchase of all the rental materials students may use throughout the time they are in their program at Madison College.
VitalSource is a third party vendor used to provide access to publisher online courseware (i.e. My Lab). Students need to redeem purchased VitalSource access via the Bookstore's website. Students will need to login using their Madison College credentials and then navigate to their bookshelf. Student instructions are provided on the Bookstore website.
OER (Open Educational Resources)
Open Educational Resources (OER) are "teaching, learning and research materials in any medium- digital or otherwise- that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions." From The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Need online learning resources for a course?
Contact [email protected] with questions. More information can also be found in the textbook adoption policy. Click here for the policy. You can also reach out to Rachel Becker [email protected] with questions